
Glaucoma can strike people of every race, gender & nationality, but some people are at greated risk than others.

  • Patients with a family member suffering from glaucoma.
  • Patient over 45 year of age.
  • Patient with diabetes & high blood pressure.
  • Patients with near sightedness (hypermetropia)
  • Previous eye injury
  • Longterm steroid use
  • Repeated eye inflammations.
  • Race – people of African & Asian descent
  • Glaucoma is the second major cause of blindness in India. 4% of Indian population suffers from glaucoma. In India, it affects 11 million people, of which 1.5 million are blind. The disease is called “Sneak theif of sight†because it is painless, symptomless and irreversible. Patient with Glaucoma may be losing vision without knowing it.

    Glaucoma (like diabetes & hypertension) cannot be cured, Early detection, prevention & regular treatment are keys to safeguard the sight.

    Remember Glaucoma does not mean the end of your productive work life – advances in therapy have enabled people to maintain their normal workstyle. The treatment available today along with innovative surgical procedures can help maintain your vision. Glaucoma is a disease which affects the increase in the optic nerve. The pressure and optic nerve is damaged. It is caused peripheral vision loss

    Called ‘silent disease’ which affects goes undetected unless vision is affected. For the diagnosis and treatment, e perform a thorough evaluation including eye pressure measurement, gonioscopy, fundus examination and certain advanced tests like Optical Coherence Tomography and Visual field analysis.